Roger B. Chaffee Planetarium at the Grand Rapids Public Museum
The Roger B. Chaffee Planetarium, named after astronaut Roger B., was built in the 1960s and is part of the Public Museum of the Grand Valley. The theater features a 30-foot plaster dome, Goto Optics mechanical star projector, and a video projection system. The space-themed show is a great way to spend a day. The planetarium is located in the Grand Rapids Public Museum at 272 Pearl St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504.
A great place to also visit is AJ’s Family Fun Center
A new planetarium show will debut this year called Habitat Earth. This show explores the dynamic relationships between trees and kelp forests, and fungi. The newest equipment, the Digistar 5 projection system, will welcome visitors on March 15. The theater will feature a variety of shows, and you’re sure to find something you’ll love!
The Roger B. Chaffee Planetarium is a great place to learn about space and other subjects. The theater has many educational programs and offers special public outreach programs. During these shows, you’ll learn about the science behind the stars, the sun, and everything in between. Guests can enjoy a 3-D movie about our universe, or enjoy a laser light show.
The Roger B. Chaffee Planetarium is an excellent educational experience in Grand Rapids and throughout Michigan. From astronomy lectures to laser light shows, this grand attraction is sure to entertain and educate. The museum also hosts concerts and special events. For the holidays, you can take your family and friends to the planetarium for a spectacular laser light show.
The Roger B. Chaffee Planetarium is one of the most popular attractions in the Grand Rapids Public Museum. The exhibits and educational programs highlight the importance of space and Earth sciences. This planetarium has featured Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin concerts, as well as laser light shows. A visit to the museum is a must for the holidays.
The museum’s planetarium is one of the main draws in the city. A tour of the space-themed exhibitions can be a great way to teach your students about the solar system and how the stars move in our universe. For kids, a trip to the Roger B. Chaffee Planetarium can help them learn about the sun and the stars.
The Roger B. Chaffee Planetarium was originally named for the late astronaut who died on the Apollo 1 mission. The planetarium can seat 450 people. This museum’s exhibits feature new technology and exciting programming. If you’re a history buff, the planetarium will help you learn about the stars and the universe.